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October 23, 2006


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Trevan Osborn


Thanks for letting us know about these kind of events. I'm glad you were able to host. Good stuff.

What kind of people came and how did you become a host site? Did the Adventists support? Just wanting some more details if you're willing to share.

Courtney Krudy


It sounds like a wonderful event. I would love to have an event like that here in Indianapolis.

Keep up the good work!!!

Ryan Bell

You know, Courtney, you could. It looks, from your email address, like you're either a student or staff member at a school and schools are some of the best places for events like this. Did you think of starting a ONE Campaign chapter there? You could check out www.ONE.org.

Trevan, we became the host site because I've been invovled in the ONE Campaign in Los Angeles since it's early days. The ONE meetings have been held in my church before because it's a central location and because it's, well...Hollywood. The attendance was probably half membes of my church and half others from the community who mainly knew about it through their connections to the ONE Campaign. In order for things like this to work out the local church has to be consistently involved.


Hollywood SDA, aka the best church in LA, is an integral part of the surrounding community. I encourage those of you nearby to visit!

Michael Peabody

Hi Ryan - Glad to see that Hollywood SDA is actively involved in the hunger issue. Sometimes we forget that God works on the economics of enough, not the economics of scarcity. When we recognize that He is generous to us beyond measure, we cannot help but extend that generosity to everybody.

Keep letting us know what's going on. We'll be sure to encourage more churches and individuals to get involved.

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